Also wanted to test linking a Mastodon post of mine to my Lemmy account. If anything bungles up, sorry in advance!
…or you could just use a password manager that generates random and unique passwords whenever you need, without you having to memorize multiple phrases (because you don’t want to reuse the same phrase across multiple accounts).
Why not use a password manager like most people?
If your Passwords are memorable, you’re (probably) doing it wrong.
“You Know How To Scare Me Shitless” is 33 characters and a decent passphrase on its own.
Base64 brings the length to 44 characters, but you might be better off by just using a longer passwphrase (eg. “You know how to scare me shitless and you do it every day, dear student of mine!” is 80 characters long, not much more difficult to remember that the 33-char one and way easier to type than the 44-char base64 one).
All in all, IMHO base64 is not the best idea.