To be fair, liberals resisting fascism does sound pretty unrealistic.
Implementing fascism as a mechanic only for it to be unsustainable gameplaywise is a good bit tbh
Somewhat related, in Civ 4, depending on the ideology you choose, you get a specific related wonder to build
When you pick “fascism”, the wonder is Mt. Rushmore
Civ IV also had Mao and Stalin in it and I often wonder how they got away with all that
I mean, the “Civilopedia” entries for both is very lib, so that’s probably part of it. The numbers they cite in Civ IV are ~20 million deaths under Mao as well as claiming “up to 10 million dead” in an “engineered famine” under Stalin. In an interview, the original creators said they primarily did all of their research in the children’s section of the library, so that’s probably at least part of the reason for The Black Book of Communism-esque figures. Thankfully, despite eating enough of an anti-communist buffet for an entire kindergarten, they managed to have just enough sense not to put Hitler in any of the games to my knowledge. Even in the baked in WW2 mod for Civ IV, they replaced him in with Franz von Papen(still a fascist piece of shit ofc, but way less name recognition).
edit: this is just the tip of the iceberg really. reading the Civilopedia after getting back into Civ IV has given me psychic harm. The Stalin section is thoroughly packed to the brim with all of the dumb tropes we’ve gotten used to debunking. I’d make a separate post about it if I could find the text files to quote more easily.
Making sure all of my production goes into tanks instead of tractors, and shells instead of shovels, and wondering why my people are starving
Victoria 3 isn’t good at modeling the effects of imperialism on capitalist political economy (i.e., development of a nationalist labor aristocracy & class collaborationist social democrats) as well as the conditions that give rise to fascism.
But also lol.
Whoah hold up. Check their post history, OP.
Think about this the proletariat produces labor. Labor is the driving factor of the economy nothing is produced without it. If the prolatariat wanted to cripple the capitalist system it could, if all the workers stood up and even just striked the facade would fall, the military can’t run, the CIA can’t run, the government can’t run, the world can’t with without labor becuase the world is run via labor.
Alright bare bones a socialist is someone who beleives that the means of production (litterally anything used to make stuff) should be controlled and owned by the workers. In out current capitalist society this means of production is reffered to as “private property.” A socialist believes that only by abolishing this private property (not to confused with "personal property like toothbrush or house) and wage labor (the general concept of working a job with a boss and capitalist etc.) can the proletariat be freed from the clutches of capitol. Of course there is nuance to any awnser and between these sentences is thousands of pages of theory but the underlying prinicipals are the same. If you are getting into socialism I reccomend the Youtube channels Second Thought and Hakim.
Are we talking about “leftwing” (liberals) or leftwing (socialism) I can’t tell
idk but I’m pretty sure they’re “playing as a fascist” in that “fascism in this game is a disaster” thread, as well.
Yeah most of their posts in the last year have been in Socialism subreddits. I don’t think this poster is a fascist lol
Gamers when the villain playthrough is the hard mode
Speaking of games, it’s kinda sad that zoomers and their fash motivations are on the same level as Team Flare’s motivation. “Everyone sucks except for us. So we need to kill everyone for the horrible crime of not being as awesome as us.”
You could even argue Elongated Muskrat is a real life Lysandre. Both tech bros that want to genocide “ze undesirables”. 4chan, much like team flare, also want a mass extermination of anyone who dares to not be perfect in every conceivable way. Hell, one of their litmus tests for worth is wealth, and rich people are one of the ONLY groups you can’t get away with mocking on the internet (for being of their class and nothing else).