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I remember they had one that was like “it’s time, to bomb, sadam” I found on albinoblacksheep back in the day
It was this
Man the “América should burn everything to the ground in retaliation” years were something.
Incidentally I saw the abs page is still up which is pretty fuckin unbelievable tbh
I thought to myself, I hope someone archived for prosperity…then I typed it in and saw that it still exists and people are still uploading original content there…fucking why?
This is what we had instead of a wojak meme about killing yourself because Biden won’t do a socialism. It’s kinda not bad in that context.
And Michael Moore was unanimously hated. remember the Dixie chicks literally torched their entire careers for daring to say “maybe we don’t go bomb a bunch of innocent people just cuz you’re pissed about this tower shit”? Lol
What? It was way worse. A majority of the nation decided that bombing brown people is okay.
Sometimes this pops into my head still to this day. Somebody help me
I dunno if bush is so much evil as he’s just a relative simpleton with all the shit that was going on around him. That he saw what was happening and didn’t have the common sense or courage to stop it is evil. But it was his cabinet appointees that really ran the show and oiled the gears of war.
Kerry was the antiwar candidate by constantly going “I simply would’ve done the Iraq war better”
It’s because they don’t disagree about the goal, just wish it was done in a more classy way so they didn’t have to be embarrassed talking to the Europeans.
Nothing will make me laugh more then Bush and Clinton impersonations. When they do them on the pod or on Blowback I snort laughing at work