I’m 1 but I haven’t earned my Xi bucks yet :angry-hex:
I’m not a tankie. I’m just aware that there is an obvious effort by the west to paint communist countries as pure evil so I take anti-China stuff with a grain of salt.
true praxis is whining about tankies 24/7
im an ancom and i just am so tired of these people. i’m glad the other anarchists i hang around don’t whine about tankies all the time. i guarantee MLs will happily join your work’s union if you ask them to. like what are you going to do? become a scab to own the tankies?
This is why I don’t bother with any serious political discussions online. It’s just constant bitching about why other leftists are bad
Anti-tankieism is one of the lamest quirks an internet leftist (real or aesthetic) can have. Even if you have a clear and strict definition and you apply it consistently and you have valid reasons or whatever, who the fuck are these people? What leads you to believe that they are a politically significant or growing faction that you need to give a shit about at all?
Only time (and not really referring to tankies but wreckers more generally here) it’s 100 percent worth doing is if they show up in person to your event to either protest it or fuck around with it or steal members (for example people showing up to union voting meetings encouraging votes against unionization because the UAW is shit, and tbf it is, but the response to that is not voting against unionizing jfc. ). I’ve seen that happen before, and you just shout at them till they leave. Only reason to really fight online is if you think joining the group genuinely harms people in which case you just let those grievances be known (like I’ve had multiple conversations with ex-PSL members and there is serious abuse that has occurred in chapters repeatedly, and in my own organizing have had to steer people away from them, WWP, SWP, SEP, IMT and a few random others. Joys of being in a big city where all the groups actually have members lol).
Let it go. It is a sub with 5000 members. The stakes could not be lower.
yeah it’s not like mind viruses can spread globally or anything :covid-cool: