Otherwise, sadly accurate
Why are they in a jungle
Climate change has accelerated and turned the rain forest into a savanna.
Why does no one know how boobs look?
Wait I think I know why.
Yeah, this transformation happened to a Peruvian knit sweater stoner I knew from undergrad… As soon as trump came on the scene he went from some sort of vague contrarian anarchist/communist/whatever to telling his roommate that arab immigrants are garbage, not making the connection that who he was speaking to was an arab immigrant and longtime friend of his.
It was wild to see him going from such a hippie burnout to rabid authoritarian for no real reason, especially when he does not live in the USA. It happened very quickly.
Oh yeah, I get it was all weird outsider trappings, but even then it wasn’t like he was still hitting the bong and going “at least he’s burning it down, maaan” in a lazy left accelerationist way. It just became “yeah fuck gays, muslims, mexicans, whoever I am told to hate”
So all of a sudden the guy turned on what had been a cornerstone of how people knew him for like 20+ years and went from a kumbaya left hippie to a rabid trump person. That was the strangest part.
I wouldnt be surprised if he started going to church again after constantly being an annoying atheist.
edit: he was also a history grad student too, so otherwise he was very well versed in political histories of places like the USA etc. all of that was suddenly thrown out the window for blind trump support and historical revisionism to support that all.
I’m actually kinda scared to go to goa parties again once this whole lockdown thing is over. It’s generally a really chill, welcoming crowd there, but that total openness to everybody may also mean they’re not gonna turn some nazi esoteric away when he wants to hang out with them, and a general interest in esoteric and / or conspiracy stuff combined with youtube’s rabbit hole algorithm is also bad news nowadays. I’ve already run into a few Reichsbürger / Sovereign Citizen tweakers there before Q blew up and before all (legal) raves got shot down due to covid, and it’s a given that most goa hippies are slowly going crazy when they can’t regularly drop acid in the woods with the other fraggles.
vegan -> paleo
hmmm :bean-think:
If you ever meet the Optimization Vegans, as I call them, it’ll make sense. A bunch of yuppies who chase whatever medium-length trend promises to pump up their hidden stats the most. Similar crowd to the Microdosing Executives.