He wrote on his application that he can’t work Sunday because “Sundays are for the Lord.” He sounds like either someone extremely irony poisoned or like a homeschool Christian kid.
Not only will he have to work with me. This is a job that will make him question the existence of a benevolent God. :agony-immense:
I had some born again evangelical try to convert me while we were working together.
Like bro I am a lapsed catholic, you don’t need to educate me on scripture. I know a whole hell of a lot of it.
I didn’t write it on my application (which is a little sus) but I insist to my employer that I am a devout Catholic who needs to go to Mass every Sunday. And every Sunday I play video games and drink a bottle of wine, which is what Jesus really wanted us to do.
Although, everyone I work with is either Evangelical or Mormon, so gaming on Sundays is acutally an improvement over the cannibalistic orgies they think Catholics do during Mass.
Maybe he’s an evangical but also the next John Brown :john-brown:
Yeah god has to rest on Sunday because he is tried from creating debilitating diseases, child poverty and abuse, racism, sexism, and phobias of those who are different. It’s tiring work being a nonphysical, abstract concept of the universe and how it functions.
That’s a bad sign, but there’s an outside chance he’ll be vaguely normal. Plenty of Quakers/Methodists and Jews and Left-Catholics who won’t work Saturday/Sunday and are fine people.
Though they probably wouldn’t use that cringe wording.