Aboriginal Australians—have lived on the continent for over 50,000 years. Today, there are 250 distinct language groups spread throughout Australia.
Aboriginal Australians are split into two groups: Aboriginal peoples, who are related to those who already inhabited Australia when Britain began colonizing the island in 1788, and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who descend from residents of the Torres Strait Islands, a group of islands that is part of modern-day Queensland, Australia.
Br*tish settlement :ukkk:
When British settlers began colonizing Australia in 1788, between 750,000 and 1.25 Aboriginal Australians are estimated to have lived there. Soon, epidemics ravaged the island’s indigenous people, and British settlers seized Aboriginal lands.
Though some Aboriginal Australians did resist—up to 20,000 indigenous people died in violent conflict on the colony’s frontiers—most were subjugated by massacres and the impoverishment of their communities as British settlers seized their lands.
The Stolen Generations :aus-delenda-est:
Between 1910 and 1970, government policies of assimilation led to between 10 and 33 percent of Aboriginal Australian children being forcibly removed from their homes. These “Stolen Generations” were put in adoptive families and institutions and forbidden from speaking their native languages. Their names were often changed.
The struggle continues :red-fist:
Today, about three percent of Australia’s population has Aboriginal heritage. Aboriginal Australians still struggle to retain their ancient culture and fight for recognition—and restitution—from the Australian government.
The state of Victoria is currently working toward a first-of-its-kind treaty with its Aboriginal population that would recognize Aboriginal Australians’ sovereignty and include compensation. However, Australia itself has never made such a treaty, making it the only country in the British Commonwealth not to have ratified a treaty with its First Nations peoples.
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Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:
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@Beatnik @ScreamoBMO @TransComrade69 let us never forget the crimes done to the Aboriginal people by the Anglo states :ukkk: in today’s megathread
What are your 2022 predictions?
Do the dems keep the senate?
Do the dems keep the house?
What happens on the state level?
For 1, 2, & 3 my prediction is four words: the dems get slaughtered.
I don’t see how the dems (and Biden) will do anything but fail in congress. I think the chance the dems will nuke the filibuster is effectively zero and Biden is actually so stupid he thinks bipartisanship is possible.
If they get stimulus out, single payer or even just a strong public option, if they start a new WPA and massively improve infrastructure, if they get $15 min wage to everybody, if they abolish ICE and cut back on police funding, if they get everybody vaccinated by the summer, if they get DC statehood and another binding referendum on PR statehood, I could see them doing well.
Of course, they won’t do that. They’re going to massively miss the mark because the Dems are a party of capital. They’re going to fuck up the stimulus, they’re going to fuck up the recovery from the depression, they’re going to fuck up with criminal justice reform, they’re going to fuck up the vaccination. So of course they’re doomed, the only thing is that the only other major option are the GOP who would absolutely do the exact same shitty things except also sometimes fuck with trans rights.
I get the sense we’re going to get nickel and dimed by Biden’s promises.
if they get everybody vaccinated by the summer
Before Biden promised 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days. Today, Biden said he’d get 100 million individual shots not people by spring. The last day of spring is June 20th - 151 days from Biden’s inauguration day. I wonder what the situation will be on June 20th.
I don’t think Biden can stop himself from “All will be well!” happy talk. An example - If there’s a coronavirus curveball - a new very nasty mutation - I do not expect Biden to be willing to tell the truth about it. I think it’s only a matter of time before Biden starts to lose his temper with the media when they check him - gently at first. Eventually voters will realize they elected an often ill-tempered, tired old man as president.
I don’t think Biden can stop himself from “All will be well!” happy talk. An example - If there’s a coronavirus curveball - a new very nasty mutation - I do not expect Biden to be willing to tell the truth about it. I think it’s only a matter of time before Biden starts to lose his temper with the media when they check him - gently at first. Eventually voters will realize they elected an often ill-tempered, tired old man as president.
In steps a confident “young” republican ghoul, who’s learned to appeal to Trump fans, but with just enough subtlety that libs will be disarmed.
While the DNC deals with a carrion figurehead refusing to let power slip through his hands, yet the party is paralyzed by not wanting the humiliation of needing to be the first to invoke section 4 of the 25th amendment to forcibly remove the precident.