Would be a shame if we visited this link and acted in bad faith :/
Support the union, support the Alabama workers
At first I was like “unions are good” but then I saw the dog turntable animation on that page and basically I’m anti-union now
Gotta automate the form filling somehow.
Or, message them, and when you hear from someone start talking about how your pay went up and you got more bathroom breaks, but you liked it the way it was because you’re a masochist and daddy Bezos was your dommy mommy.
(But for real, I’ll bet the people responding to this could use a union too lol)
Not to go all learn2code, but this is a pretty easy task in python and I’m happy to give advice to someone who wants to learn to code by spamming anti union forms.
I saw two of my fellow workers in a closet making unions and one of the unions looked at me
Presumably you don’t make much. A working class wage, no real control over your workplace, no future that isn’t handed to you by your betters like you’re their dog. And yet you choose to do this. You wake up, make the conscious decision to stay awake, and go to work to betray everyone like you. Your neighbours, probably your family, the innocent suffering people you depend on for whatever enables your comforts. You. Betray. Them. You’re not only a class traitor, not only an uncle tom for a billionaire who hates his employees, but I’ve sat here for ten minutes trying to think of a way to describe you and the only word that sticks out is inhuman. You have chosen to become a monster and I hope, sincerely, that your actions boomerang and ruin your life. I hope you suffer the same precarity as those warehouse workers you’re stabbing in the back and if your life’s work is bringing down everyone around you then who will intervene to save you when that happens? Hopefully no one, including your children if they have any shame for what their parent has become.
Do better. Be better. Don’t do this job and hurt everyone in your position. It’s disgusting.
I really need to figure out the legal limits on words. There has to be a happy middle ground where you won’t be arrested for saying the thing that breaks someone.
This pasta is peak victim blaming, what in the actual fuck. Oh wait is this talking about scabs? Nvm
2nd edit: I originally thought the pasta was from the website rather than a response to it. Calling the dues-payers and union supporters class traitors for putting the scabs’ livelihoods at risk.
It seems amazing to me that “but union dues costs you money” is the only talking point that companies use to convince people that unions are bad for them. Aside from straight on threats.