sharks nailed it on the first try 🦈✨
Crustaceans keep turning crab shaped.
Mammals keep turning weasel shaped. Mustelification (a term I made up) is the tendency for a fuckton of unrelated mammals to have long thin bodies with stout, powerful legs.
There’s no such thing as a “fish”. There’s loads of animals in the ocean that are utterly unrelated, but both have scales and fins because fish is a useful shape in the ocean.
There are several major classes of “fish”. Sharks belong to the cartilaginous class (along with rays and skates). The other major classes are the lobe-fins and the ray-fins. The ray-fin class consists of most of the typical fishy fish that we are familiar with, like salmon, goldfish and tuna. The lobe-fins consist of lungfish and ALL TETRAPODS! That’s right, you and I are technically lobe-finned fish.
Also, tuna are more closely related to humans than they are to sharks.
This is extremely fucked up and I hate it too
God I fucking hate that why that’s so cursed stars should be eternal beings beyond comprehension
The dwarf stars fit the bill then. Red dwarfs last trillions of years and white dwarfs take a quadrillion years to cool. And then perhaps in an almost unfathomably long time (idk how to spell out the numbers lmao) they will turn into spheres of iron due to quantum tunneling.
I have a choice of electrocution or a shark, you know what I’m gonna take? Electrocution, I will take electrocution every single time, do we agree? I will take electrocution. But these people are crazy
sharks are probably the most interesting creatures on this planet tbh
Death to America