Reddit: Russia was cultivating trumpf for 55555000 years OML
Reality: Trump was one of the many ghouls who participated in the collective destruction of my homeland, profiting from the privatization of the soviet economy, and is responsible for the death and suffering of millions of soviet citizens. He visits moscow and some sellout ex-KGB is like lmao yeah lemme earn some money and look at that he is totally an asset FUCKING I WANT TO DIE
Saw this yesterday. Liberal QAnon
people believe this. guy at work thinks russia did The Siege of the 6th (making it capitalized makes it seem cooler than it was)
is this the legendary free thinker?
Does he have any historical perspective? When Putin organizes a siege it tends to get kind of homicidal, and not in a taze your balls to heart attack American way.
I think its more Russia did Qannon via interneting/fake news. So no, no historical perspective otherwise he would know qannon is easily home grown amerikkka nonsense
Well then we still can’t entirely blame Russia because this shit is self-propagating right here in America. If I get ripped off at a carnival game I don’t get mad at the attendant, I get mad at my dumb ass for thinking I could do the ring toss after getting drunk in the parking lot off mini bottles.
Cultivated? Like bacteria?
C’mon now, many people are saying it. Good people .
For sure, real nice history-at-a-glance of confirmed socialist Mitterand in there.