For the life of me I can’t figure out how you could possibly come up with this take even if you are braindead.
Easy. The government exists to take away freedom. The opposite of freedom is socialism. The Nazis were socialists, its in the name, and they were white supremacists. Universal Healthcare is big government, which is socialism, which is Nazis, which is white supremacist. See perfectly logical.
It’s actually pretty easy from a liberal point of view.
Liberals believe that in order to “help people” in the least racist way, you have to means test everything to shit so that the only people you are helping is the tiniest sliver of whoever you decided is the “most deserving”. This is how you arrive at Kamala’s “$10,000 off of student loans for business owners successful operating in majority-minority neighborhoods for three years” or whatever the fuck it was.
Of course, liberals must ignore that universal programs literally help everyone exactly as much as they need. Those who don’t need much help, don’t get much help. Those who need a lot of help, get a lot of it. Raising everyone to the same standards is literally the only equal thing you can do, otherwise you are always leaving some who need help behind. But there’s a myriad of reasons why liberals need to oppose that.
But this joker’s a libertarian. I saw another libertarian somewhere in that thread argue that single payer is bad because white people could use it to give worse care to black people. Which is a pretty amazing knot it tie yourself into just to avoid rich people paying a little more taxes.
Are there any numbers on how many/few people that would actually help if it became a thing ?
When I read takes like these, an image of a dog taking a shit just sort of flickers in my head for a second and I just back out and try not to think about the 1k + people that thought it was good.