One guy said maybe the rich will worry about climate change now that they will live long enough, lmao.
I don’t believe we will se immortality anytime soon. I mean, even if they manage to make your skin look younger, and clone new organs to replace defective ones, what about the brain? It will continue to age and develop more complex problems the older it gets. And even then, if immortality was invented that would raise massive sustainability issues, because of the massive population boom.
Under a capitalist / classist system? Yes, it will go full Zardoz, with floating faces saying “the gun is good, the penis is evil”, and cultist running with Beach-Borat with boots - like outfits and all, but I can’t see how under a communist system this can in any way become bad.
the gun is good, the penis is evil
Unironically good slogan, which we should reclaim and use against horny reformist libs
Under the context of Zardoz it is about killing being good and reproducing being bad, tho. Also,ain’t hornism a consequence of different capitalist industries, being everyone, including liberals, victims of?