This was written about 8 years ago. Do you feel the Linux landscape has objectively improved? Why? Why not?
Wow, 2015. Back when they had to hire actual humans to write bullshit like that.
Why Isn’t Linux Mainstream? 5 Flaws That Need Fixing
With that, the author implies that it’s of utmost importance to make Linux mainstream. Is it? I don’t know and I’m not assuming.
- The Landscape Evolves Too Quickly
Not a flaw.
For example, look at the biggest name in desktop Linux: Ubuntu. They release a new version every six months where each version is named after the year and month of release (e.g. 14.10, 15.04, 15.10, etc). Contrast that with Windows (every 3-5 years) and OS X (every 1-2 years).
LTS. Debian Stable.
Stopped reading here because the author is clearly ignorant on what he’s talking about.
Shit site. Would not let me view it due to not being able to fingerprint me
Perhaps a better question is: asking why Apple isn’t mainstream?
Linux almost always needs to be installed, whereas Apple is plug n’ play. Plus Linux has a reputation of being much more complicated than it actually is.
The disparity between the proportion of iMac sales vs the people who could afford an iMac is rather enormous, but I have this idea that for iPhones and Androids, this is reversed.
I find that conundrum, assuming it’s true, kinda interesting.
I think that 5 flaws are actually the 5 advantages of linux. Aren’t they?