GQ badly photoshopping his head onto a bunch of preppy models?? What the fuck! The piece of shit probably wears fucking diapers for fucks sake.
Libs, you fucking won. You beat the “left”. You beat le Drumpf cheeto. Your guy is in the White House. Just shut the fuck up. Go back to brunch while your guy bombs the Middle East and does nothing for the working class. Stop trying to shove this trillion year old disintegrating ghoul down our fucking throats and trying to gaslight us that he is somehow “cool” and some kind of icon.
“Ohhh Le epic old car, ohhhh epic ice cream, ohhhhh aviators, aviators are cool right??? Top gun isn’t fucking forty years old or anything!!”
JUST FUCK OFF :doomer: :doomjak:
You’re gonna love and vote for that woman in four years or you’re a racist.
I remember her being basically a non-entity in the primary, but it’s hard to overestimate the media’s ability to manufacture consent.
She ran a miserable campaign in which she didn’t stand for anything and was out very early.
I used to think forming psychosexual connections to politics was because of a lack of ideology, which forces oneself to analyze politics through cultural signifiers instead. But then I realized communists do the same thing with Stalin, and we’re definitely not lacking in ideology.
You guys ever see Deep Space Nine? I’m going to give out mild spoilers for it. In that there’s a character called Gul Dukat who was the leader of the regime on Bajor which the Cardassians took over.
In one episode he basically goes insane because he sees himself as a hero but no one else does. He committed genocide against the Bajorans and subjugated them but he saw it as doing them a favour. He goes mad that they never loved him like they should have, in his own mind.
A lot of people don’t just want power. They want all the validation that they deserve that power along with it. It’s not enough just to have it, you need to live it.