So arguments about capitalism’s role in innovation and an article that shows the reality of innovation itself. It can be specific and discuss a certain field like pharma or tech or it can just talk about innovation in general.
I searched for posts about this here but I wasn’t successful.
I think the lack of interest in certain points of innovation are most telling of capitalisms bad influence in societies progress. For example: In the 80s big companies like shell knew about the coming climate disaster, but there was more money to be made in oil. With the result that 20+ years of possible research into new green technologies is lost.
Citations Needed has an episode on this exact topic, Episode 110: The Shiny-Object Psychology of American Capitalist “Innovation”
These should be enough to point you in the right direction
I think he is a doctor or something, he is actually super cool and gets in way fewer twitter fights than most YouTube people.
I think the second is my favorite but the third are probably the best for your needs here.
How about looking at all the innovations that the space race produced? Wasn’t that tax-funded?
Hope that didn’t sound too lazy but I’m just looking for sth comprehensive instead of trying to provide the friend with examples.
I know this probably isn’t that useful but it does list a few of the innovations involved.
This is mainly for shattering the illusions about capitalism that a friend I’m trying to radicalize has so any advice would be appreciated :)