Hey can anyone recommend channels and podcast I can learn from? I’ve just started watch hakim it’s great. Thank you
Well There’s Your Problem is always ny go-to.
Do you also post in r/iranian? I think theres someone with the same really cool username as you there.
Yugopnik is good. Slavic Marxist
Hakim is also amazing. Iraqi Marxist
Thought Slime makes enjoyable but not necessarily educstional content. Canadian Anarchist
Second Thought mostly works to radicalize people but is also good. US Socialist
Richard Wolff is a Marxist economics professor who really, really knows his shit and provides understandable economic analysis on current events from a Marxist point of view. Check out his video on the USSR economy.
Bay Area 415 is dope too. Great insight on actually existing socialist states, obviously biased towards China but he’s who made me a believer. Incredibly detailed videos on China.
I’ve recently found the podcast Millenials are Killing Capitalism to be tapped into all sorts of good stuff.
I kind of slept on it for a while because it’s not very flashy, but a lot of stuff I’ve thought about lately, they’ve done episodes on it. Just today, I was re-listening to the first Guerilla History with Vijay Prashad, and he mentioned the book Militant Education, liberation struggle and consciousness. The PAIGC education in Guinea Bissau 1963-1978, and googled it to get a little more info. Lo and behold, the MAKC episode with the author was the 2nd link; absolutely unreal.
A couple other podcasts focused more on information than entertainment, ones I don’t see mentioned too often:
- The East is a Podcast
- Groundings (the Devyn Springer one)
- Guerilla History
- Radical Reflections