They love to praise capitalism, and shout liberty primes catch phrase without acknowledging what the big robot is satirizing. And then when one of their beloved companies does a capitalism, they get mad at them for doing capitalism. MAKE UP YOUR MIND G*MERS!
My favorite marketing demographic is the “14-49” age group, which was just made up by the CEO of some tv network in my country because that happened to be the group where they had the biggest viewer share. He basically looked at the numbers, retroactively constructed a demographic that would make his network look like the best advertising space in the entire country and then used every opportunity to claim that 14-49 is the most relevant target demo for advertising. And people actualy believed it for 20 years until he retired and told everybody he had been bullshitting them all the time.
I present to you (every once in a while they do have a moment of clarity)
Damn, that’s the good shit I like reading, well thought out and eloquently said.
Who is the absolute chad who managed to get upvoted and gilded for posting Capital in a gaming subreddit?
That was me lol I added it a few minutes after because people were posting a lot of dumb shit about what they thought capitalism was.
Gamers in 2013: “gamergate is evil (((cultural marxism))) that is destroying western civilization with subversive critiques of the status quo”
Gamers in 2020: “lol you’re just consoooming product like a soulless drone”
They’re vacuous totalitarian drones plain and simple
Gamers in 2020: “lol you’re just consoooming product like a soulless drone”
Is that a real thing you’ve seen them saying in the wild… cause holy fuck?
It’s not capitalism, it’s crony capitalism.