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Setting a million alarms is not and ADHD symptom…
Is there a consern if a I got all of these as I don’t know if I have adhd or not.
Depends how often. If legit concerned, read up on ADHD symptoms and see how much they describe you and go from there.
Knowing is half the battle. Now that you know, you can try the various coping mechanisms to deal with your ADHD. If those don’t work and your ADHD is severely impacting your life, you should consider seeing a professional to get some medication to alleviate some of the symptoms.
is it a food hyperfixation if I just want my fruit to be ripe and my other stuff to be fresh and stuff
I’m lucky i find cooking to be a fun task otherwise i would’ve starved to death a long time ago
I feel like I’ve got most of these, but I also feel like everybody my age has got most of these…
On the other hand, I’m about to become a full time student on top of a full time workload and this is freaking me out.
A lot of these are things everyone does sometimes. If it’s something that is happening multiple times a week, or multiple times a day, then it might be worth taking to your Dr and filing out the test.
Full time student + full time work is a LOT to handle, even without ADHD.