@VolcelPolice This is alarming news. Is there anything we can do?
Holy shit we’ve run this by the boss and he just jumped straight from the window! I mean we’re only on the ground floor but it’s the thought that counts
I lost my virginity at the age of 39. There’s always hope, comrades.
Yeah, I think it happened to me at 26 or 27, and its not even like I am introverted or deformed or not charming or anything…
I had girlfriends off and on since I was 16 or so and just never got around to boning.
Sometimes it just takes longer than the movies tell you is normal, and there’s no problem in that.
Abridged version is that I was an unemployed failson for years who was always told how far I’d go growing up, and hit the wall very quickly, partly as a result of undiagnosed ADHD. This resulted in a lot of internalized self-loathing, and I danced dangerously close to the contemporary equivalent of inceldom (and might have gone over had the movement started a few years earlier). I eventually began turning my perceptions around as a result of my diagnosis, learning socialist and feminist/gender theory, and a few patient and understanding friends. Then a long-time friend on whom I’d been crushing for years expressed her interest in me (she’d been seeing someone else for years at that point so I never considered her an option), and already knew me well enough to get over the initial awkwardness (penis goes where?). Things worked out and continue to work out well between us to this day. Also she’s a former activist who burned out, but says that my talk of theory has revived her interest, whereas I’ve always been too anxious to go out and DO anything but have an easier time with company.
So, a combination of upper-middle-class cishet white male privilege, combined with both auspicious circumstances, and an ability to recognize them when they happened. Hardly universal but I hope it’s a bit inspiring.
Not only that, but increasingly up butts.
Many conservative columnists have dedicated their lives to this unraveling this tragic trend. Basically rent free, 24/7. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
no they can’t be fucking! not during covid!!!
IDK, I had sex twice since covid began, with different people, and I have yet to catch rona or an STD.
I think it’s pretty to easy to manage with a bit of forethought and the ability to get tests beforehand while limiting potential covid exposure in the meantime. I was also living alone, doing it with people living alone, so that made potential rona transmission much less of a risk.
Plus, covid seemed to make one of those two people hornier than they were before, so you gotta strike while the iron is hot.
And boy is the iron hot