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I move to spare the Jedi Knight games on the grounds that there is literally nobody who doesn’t love Kyle Katarn.
The last of us because it makes chuds rage so hard
Tropico 6 rules.
Tropico 5 had a lot of not-very-subtle sexism in it but they did away with all of that in 6, and basically included all the DLC for 5 in the new game.
You play as the dictator for a fictitious Caribbean island and the game is planning the economy and making sure everyone has jobs, housing and healthcare etc.
Bought it but my computer was too old to download the operating system I needed to run the game
ugh that sucks. moral of the story always check the minimum system requirements
Yup, it happens. Trade off is that I haven’t had to buy a computer since 2011. It’s been absurdly reliable.
Mirrors Edge is a good game
Please spare all three moomin anime and sailor moon