Personally: Fuck that, I ain’t doin’ it.
I’m just sick of all this shit and pissed off that it isn’t over by now like China.
What frustrated me most is that we could still fucking do that.
There’s no “too late sorry honey” for enforcing a real lockdown. No, you see, cases, deaths, and hospitalizations are down slightly over the last couple of weeks, so it’s time to reopen further.
Hey back to work as a blood sacrifice to American empire.
Mass surveillance is already normalized in this country. The NSA spying news was met with a mild shrug from the American collective consciousness. No one cares.
It sounds like the most brain-dead way to get mask use numbers up. 50% of people are wearing no masks, 50% are wearing 2 masks, on average everyone is wearing a mask so the virus should stop spreading please.
IDK if it’s effective, but god damn does it seem precision engineered to strain the patience even of people who took the precautions seriously until now
I feel like if the feds had just bought us all a few boxes of N95s, we’d be past this shit by now.
Any action to decrease covid’s infectivity will significantly reduce the number of people infected, but I also feel bitter and this is clearly an unpopular move that will be quickly offset by the further reopening of the economy