Anyone relate? I really can’t date because of my physical and mental health and covid, plus poverty, but god sometimes I miss intimacy.
Sometimes I feel like I deserve this because I broke three women’s hearts. And I’m truly sorry for doing that. I’m happy they’re doing good now, one is even married! But I miss having someone who loved me and accepted me, someone who had my back, you know?
As long as you don’t start obsessing over shit like bone structure and raging out on anyone with a healthy social connection
Nah that ain’t me, but thanks.
i used to try to reclaim the term ‘incel’ from misogynists,
What made you give up? It’s not a bad idea per say, but incel is a loaded term, in so much that it’s implying you’re being denied sex for reasons. I heard the term “love shy” once, and I liked that more.
I’ve got a feeling they wouldn’t claim you, comrade
Yeah, I figure I’m a just a normal young-ish dude who’s lonely for a partner. Even back when I was crypto-fash and hated women I didn’t really get too down with incel shit, like I didn’t feel like I was owed sex, I just really had an irrational hatred of women, mostly due to being dumped. God I was a chump lol
I’d date you but I’m gross and also I stay up all night hooting and no one needs that.
I feel ya. I was a weird creepy loner as a kid and well into my teens and early adulthood - shit, well into my early 20s. I was (still am) fat and out of shape, not traditionally attractive, and neurodivergent as hell (Asperger’s or some other spectrum disorder). Plenty of close friends, but never a relationship. I’m lonely as hell, and the older I get the weirder it gets overall. Being alone in your late teens? Fine. Being alone through your 20s? Strange but not bad. Into your 30s? Shit just feels pathetic.
I’m glad I found places like this though. Like ten years ago if I hadn’t had a change of heart and a change of path I probably woulda ended up hardcore down the incel pipeline I think. I’d like to think I’m getting better.
You’re valid, comrade, even if you’re on your own.