I don’t have one but this is definitely not a honey pot so go ahead and post
Ugh. Reform is sometimes possible. Ew.
Fuck me for saying this it feels disgusting
It’s a catch 22. Don’t reform and let the contradictions grow within capitalism. Give soc dem reforms and reestablish some belief in capitalism. It’s essentially the New Deal, which fdr credited as his greatest accomplishment “saving capitalism.”
I 100% agree but I don’t see those as effective reforms for socialism. The effective reforms are yet to come hopefully.
I’m not saying reform is always the solution, I’m saying reform is possible in some circumstances
Oh you mean socialist reforms? I mean it could. Brezhnev had to do some to try to reverse Khrushchev’s reforms.
I assumed you meant reforms within capitalism like in our system.
Proselytizing for “non-reformist” reforms could be a good way to radicalize people. You demand something which is reasonable (such as medicare for all, defund the police) knowing full-well that the hegemonic powers will not allow it to pass because it would fundamentally alter the balance of power. People become personally invested in the campaign and once they are invested, they begin to notice all the subtle ways the hegemony attempts to crush it. It takes them through the paces of doing the liberalism thing in good faith only to see firsthand how futile it is. When the initiative fails, the people who were personally invested in it will now feel a personal animosity towards the people who went out of their way to ensure injustice prevailed. Those people will all become much more skeptical of the institutions and more prepared to adopt more radical methods in the future.
The thing is, you don’t want to bite off so much that you’re signing ordinary people up for a suicide mission. You also don’t want to ram up against a brick wall and teach everyone who got involved that participation in politics is futile. You still need to do a good materialist analysis to figure out what you should be campaigning for, and what you’re up against.
Lenin says that the vanguard and its supporters should be the most effective and good advocates for better conditions, this is to make people see and believe in them being interested in bettering the situation for the working class. That is to be combined with a clear line of communism and strife for revolt though, to show that only in communism will the contradictions completely absolved.
Pushing for reform within a Capitalist system is preferable to posting gulag memes on Twitter
I don’t think torture is good, should be avoided and also called out.
(This is lib cause it is often part of human rights debates, however where was that factual human law in Guantanomo-torture sites and other black sites of the US imperialist empire over decades while the whole “civilized” world and the west looked at it don’t bothering about it?)
As long as small business owners still do most of the work in their company, they’re to be left alone.
As soon as they turn into Buck Strickland type business owners the deserve the wall in minecraft tho