it amazes at how insta comic artists are in a race to the bottom for most low effort comic that gets hundreds of thousands of likes.
“Uhhhh yeah, before and after I shit out my ass. Fucking brilliant you’ve done it again Jan”
Hey there. Comic artist here. The way social media and capitalism is set up you have to make comics like these. The same generic low effort comics is what circulates the most. If you want eyes on your work (and money in your pocket) you gotta make them. Otherwise you have to play the lottery of “will this be the comic goes viral?”.
It’s either low effort generic comics that everyone can relate to, mooching off a more well known intelectual property by making fan comics, getting lucky which you can only get if you’re REALLY good, or doing the stonetoss thing and prostrating yourself for the right.
Me during poo: :PIGPOOPBALLS:
God I made this post twice today what is wrong with me
Like the art style if nothing else.
I chuckled.
Why’d I have to see this 😬