All colonialism was bad, but the Belgian version was like exceptionally awful even though it was over a shorter time period and smaller footprint. The fact the the percent of Belgians who are proud of that legacy isn’t zero is disgusting, death to Belgium.
Can confirm, president Xi please send the nukes. Flanders deserves to be destroyed.
lmao imagining the 31% of Germans when asked being like “I do not know. please do not ask any more questions. goodbye.”
I had a history prof who said of all the awful colonial oppressors, Germany was maybe the least bad. Don’t know if that’s actually true or not.
The Wilhelminian empire existed for less than 50 years, was nowhere near the British or Spanish empire in size and still managed to pull off two genocides in Namibia and an involvement in the opium wars. Before kicking off WW1. If it was the least bad, it was due to scale. Where it ruled, it extracted wealth with the exact same ruthlesness and disregard for non-white lives as other empires.
I don’t know either, but make sure you are aware of the Herero and Namaqua genocide
imo it’s not really worth ranking them in terms of terribleness. Germany and Italy were latecomers to the colonial game due to becoming states later, but they were all playing it
Spaniard here, we were also not that bad compared with the UK and France because we were already a declining empire who was ignored during the partition of africa and all our colonies were already liberating themselves. Lol
F in colonialism.
Idk I’d say that countries who have more people ashamed are actually the mor progressive side. They’re still up there (tied for 3rd).
that asterisk for germany :stalin-smokin:
I feel like this was done so that Germany’s colonial legacy was put in the spotlight, otherwise it would have been a 100% no. (or at least it should be, but I’m quite certain there’s still plenty of nazi psychos who would say yes)
Nah Netherlands is in second place. Ask US Americans if they are proud of their colonial empire i.e. Manifest Destiny to the Pacific, pioneers, the Wild West etc and I bet it’s at least 85%
37% of americans alone believe slavery leading to the civil war should not be taught
You probably couldn’t even get 15% to admit we have an empire, let alone not be ashamed of it.
Funny because even limiting it to “western expansion” is understating it, it implies the eastern US isn’t also a colonial empire. Like, the entire USA is an oppressive colonial empire, just without a “motherland”.
I mean I agree, but I also don’t know how to reconcile this with the fact that, after some number of generations, it essentially is your “motherland”. Like I have no connection to the places my ancestors come from, including not speaking the languages spoken there. I’ve been meaning to find some better stuff about decolonization to read, as I think I get too much stuff from the internet at times.
I consider the “Neither nor” option to be functionally the same as the “proud of” option, the majority of chuds no matter the nationality are moral cowards at the end of the day
Why would you be proud/embarrased by people who died centuries before you were born? I mean, i also extend this to communist figures, Che was awesome but why would i be proud of his accomplishments?
Disclaimer: ignore this comment if said country is still actively doing colonialism but in a more subtle way.
Why would you be proud/embarrased by people who died centuries before you were born?
Because we live in a society and the traditions of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living :monke-ruserious:
But on a more serious note, the survey is basically just asking you to make a value judgment on old tyrannical empires, aside from the open chuds who love everything those empires represented you also have the real and fake apathetics who would rather launder their identification and social links to these old systems thru noncommittal answers, despite the fact the character and nature of those empires should be abominable to any half-decent individual