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I’m so grateful for my parents reading about these examples…my dads at least some kind of liberation catholic who is anti-abortion but for some incredibly idealistic reasons that I think I helped point him in the direction to socialism (eg his views not mine but: birth control should be free, sex Ed should be better, single moms should get total assistance, parents need assistance with raising kids, and EVEN nonviable offspring should not be born especially if the mothers life is at risk; all of this is a huge step for him mind you). He also said that the Romanovs deserved what they got and the entire confederate military and polity should’ve been executed lol.
as you can see from the slavic brain structure, they are inherently predisposed to authoritarianism
I had a discussion like this with my dad, and he said that Russians (unlike Americans) have no democratic tradition, and the Soviet-Sino schism was the obvious consequence of…human nature.
Continuing to shit post about my dad:
According to him, you can tell collectivizing agriculture in Ukraine was a bad thing because immediately afterwards “the Ukrainians” chose to collaborate with the nazis against the Soviets.
Collaborator landlords are the stand-in for all the people of Ukraine. Let’s just forget about the peasants that fought against 20th century feudalism. But most importantly, let’s forget about my Jewish ancestors KILLED IN POGROMS in Ukraine.
He doesn’t mean it. He’s just got 1950s brainworms, but anti-communism really is just anti-semitism. He’s not a Jew. My mom is. She’s got her own issues…
Ah yes, the Slavic brain pan shows a propensity towards evil 💀 📏
WTF no calipers emoji?!
Goodbye Lenin but it’s in the US and the mom doesn’t even need to be deceived by her children to believe that the USSR still exists because the Cold War and red scare permanently etched its existence into her brain
Who the fuck still reads a newspaper?