Just started it today.
Staunchly anti-capitalist so far. Seems really good. If anyone’s seen it I’d like to hear their feedback.
I started it last year, got halfway through Season 1 then became too busy to continue. will probably pick it up again at some point
It s a good show, well produced and acted. The writing is better than a majority of TV shows. It has ups and downs in the quality as all shows do but its worth watching the whole thing. I’ve watched the whole thing a couple times and depending on how quickly my slop trough fills I may watch it again in the next couple years.
Its not Marxist. Its “proto-left” liberal daydreaming but that is better than the majority of slop available. I’d say it pipelines towards leftist ideas without ever saying anything directly leftist.
Loved the series. >!Things get pretty dark and somewhat boring in the later seasons !<
I watched the whole thing. I liked it a lot. It hits like an anarchist fantasy (in the best possible way).
I watched the first two episodes and I realized oh, it’s one of those shows. The ones where everyone is an asshole for no reason and they do shit nobody would ever do because we have to show how big of an asshole they are. That’s what makes it mature and gritty.