By the way, I’m not the only person worried about how Vietnam will be able to deal with climate change, right? I’m almost afraid there won’t be a Vietnam by 2045
5 years before China :soviet-hmm:
I like Vietnam and all but putting out a goal to be socialist oriented by 2045 is about as laughable as China’s goal to be a socialist society by 2050
Why, exactly, is it “laughable” to set goals and organizing your society toward achieving these goals?
You cannot snap your fingers and change class relations. It’s not surprising that this perspective is predominant in places where communists cannot even establish a dictatorship of the proletariat.
I doubt you are a member of a communist party that has any plan to build socialism, or even a workers’ state, in your country.
“Oh yeah China, your gonna do it by 2050? Well guess what, we’re gonna beat you by FIVE YEARS FUCKER!”
I’m planning to be socialist oriented by 2044 but good luck to them anyway