It should be treated as an annual shot now. We just got ours last week together with the flu vaccine. 5th covid shot in total. Arms were sore and had a slight fever for a day, then I was all good. Didn’t even need to take a tylenol for the fever.
I don’t even know how to get a booster. I don’t know if they’re generally available where I am. My compatriots appear to have completely forgotten that Covid is still here. I don’t leave the house without my mask, still.
i went on walgreens website and clicked the covid link near the top then followed vax links. hopefully there is something similar available in your area
Getting my shot and a flu vaccine next week.
What if I’m young and healthy? Do I really need another booster?
The short answer is: probably not, as long as you don’t mind being sick for a week or two.
Never mind permanent neurological effects like long COVID, and increasing your risk of stroke or heart attack, even in young and healthy people (my 31-year-old, healthy boss had a stroke the first time they got COVID before getting vaccinated, no prior history of strokes), and depleting your immune system so that getting sick with anything in the next 2 years is more severe.
Many people get an annual flu shot, not to avoid death but because they don’t want to miss work or life or be miserable for a few weeks. The same is true for COVID-19.
COVID is just like the flu, bro. Trust me, bro