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Hey man, I’m a veteran and DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY. You will just become a tool for empire with you are the direct forces on the ground, managerial, administrative, a cold mechanic, whatever. It isn’t worth it once you peel back the veil and see how it all relates to imperialist control over resources needed for empire. Plus the mind numbing endless war crimes.
I understand and feel you regarding school. A lot of the times I just am bored with it. It’s not that I don’t like learning or school, but I’m forced into these narrow categories and none of it is what I want to learn about.
I work in a grocery store. It barely gets the bills done but I never experienced factory work (only alternative around me) because I joined the military right out of high school. But I can at least listen to podcasts and theory and try to instill some class conscious on people.
Don’t join the imperialist military. Not only will you be a tool in the death machine of the Amerikan empire, you’ll be used and abused for shit pay and you might be left with life long physical issues. My friend who joined up out of highschool needs to wear hearing aids due to hearing damage he incurred during service, and he’s not even 30.
I would say - try to divorce work from the context of society and think about what things in general most interest you. Do independent research and really think about it. If you have time/aren’t working or studying currently, you could try volunteering somewhere to get your mind jogging. After a bit you should be able to think of a few things that are interesting to you. Then you ask the question “how can I get to doing as much of that stuff as possible under capitalism”. And then you dive in. There are no perfect careers, especially in our society. But you may just find one that fulfills you in some sense. Best of luck
I took the ASVAB once, and later realized that the highest score you can get on it is not joining the military.
Do not join the military. I’m a vet. There are a few vets here. I think we all agree - stay the fuck away. Just want to get that out of the way.
So here’s my actual advice: set your expectations low and float around. Eventually you’ll find something that pays the bills and leaves you not wanting to gouge your eyes out at the end of the week. I did this after the military and it served me well. I eventually ended up in the PMC trajectory though I would have never guessed that’s where I’d end up. But you needn’t be a vet or have a degree to do this. My buddy was a retail manager for 10 years and now he’s a piercer, poking holes in people. Pays the bills, he likes the hours, it works for him.
Don’t expect to find your dream job because that shit does not exist. My theory about people who love their job: they either don’t care about money or they were already independently wealthy. No one loves their job; by definition it’s not supposed to be fun otherwise they would call it fun instead of work, and rich people would horde all the fun for themselves.
While you’re figuring it out, I’d probably suggest keeping your romantic relationships light and definitely try not to spawn.
I agree with this. Getting a bullshit degree in anything lets you pass at least one filter for HR. No guarantees after that though. Going through school and paying out the nose is not worth it but for the chance to eke out a “comfortable” living.
Typing this with twitchy elbows and minor nerve pain in my hands. That’s enough motivation to try and escape retail hell.