Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
You know those stories people tell when they had gastro, and they are sitting on the toilet whilst holding a bucket at the same time because they needed to do both at once? I thought that was very much an exaggeration or a story you tell kids to frighten them into washing their hands. Nope. It is real.
Apparently i gotta keep hydrated, but how the hell am i supposed to do that when i drink water and double the amount I just drank “leaves” me?
I found there was a lesser leaving effect if I had those hyrdolite icy poles.
I don’t have any sadly, just gonna have to rely on water and dry biscuits.
a bit of salt/sugar in the water can help with electrolytes. It’d be worth seeing if someone could drop some off to you. HMU if you’re near Springvale, I can drop off a tub of sports drink powder.
Yep been there. Whist on an overseas holiday. Could not leave the hotel room for 24 hours. Was starting to panic about what to do if it keeps going but thankfully seemed to resolve. Don’t know if it was food poisoning or gastro, but single worst sick day ever. Sipping something very slowly through straw helps to get liquids in. Cold drinks and ice.
NQR had this for $4. I had no choice but to buy it. I may have already had a slice.
What does it taste like?
Birthday cake flavoured items I’ve bought usually have the flavour of vanilla and almond essence
This one is just strawberry and vanilla ice cream with the bits of chocolate folded through.
I’m feeling weird because I bought a $65k car today and it feels like it should be more of a big deal or something but it’s also kinda not a big deal. I think it might just be weird nerves for dropping that much cash so suddenly but I’m sure I’ve made a good choice. Between the US trip, PC monitor, new years cruise and the new car I’ve been spending big in the 2nd half of this year. Is this a mid-life crisis or realisation that you have to enjoy life while you can? I did turn 40 a few months before all of this spending.
I think part of our brains are devoted to very simplistic pattern learning, and it does not respond well to nuance or change. So while you are not spending it is learning concepts like “bank balance go up = good, bank balance go down = bad”. It completely misses the entire point of why you put money aside, so when you spend it that simple brain becomes a bit alarmed. It makes a useful warning system to double check with your rational brain if you are doing the right thing, but it can be tricky to disarm when it is giving a false alarm.
I had a nice chat with my boss (she’s resigned and I’m very sad about it). We discussed my career development and what she will do till her last day to support me. Also that I can always reach out to her anytime about anything (after she finishes up) which was super nice of her. She’s an amazing boss I’m gonna miss her heaps 😢😢😢
She also noted that I have quite high EQ and that I’d be ok without her and ngl that made me feel good lol 😆
Estate agent phoned - bringing in some new potential buyers tomorrow afternoon. Cross fingers, everyone!