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Hope it fails.
Maybe it has a Second Act redemption arc? Maybe?
The consequences of the Polish Soviet war have been a disaster for the human race.
That’s a shame. I thought the classes looked interesting and wanted to give it a try, but hard pass on this bullshit.
It looks like the enemy flag is supposed to be reminiscent of the Nazi/“Nazbol” flag. So it’s probably trying to pull an “anti-fascists are the real fascists” on impressionable teenagers. Probably some Polish petite fascists trying to get some of their political beliefs in front of people. Game looks bland as hell though. Wikipedia says “the team put a lot of emphasis in writing the game’s story, with the lead writer Joshua Rubin comparing it to Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness.” Ummm…
Games about being a colonizer are pretty par for the course in video games though.
awww goddammit