Greetings comrades and welcome to your weekly mental health thread. How is everyone doing lately?
i’m pretty sure i’m currently in a depression spiral, been starting to drink at two in the afternoon and not really wanting to talk to anyone
fun fun fun
Still dealing with the side effects of the prozac, the 7th will be a month on the medication. If I don’t start turning a corner by then I’m calling it quits and switching to something else for the ocd. Other than that, mom’s passed out drunk on the floor at 2pm here and my dad is threatening to kick both of us out of the house. So nothing new there I guess. Been trying to convince my mom to just divorce my dad but how are we going to afford a lawyer? Absolutely bonkers one needs to even be involved in the first place.
Been thinking maybe being homeless wouldn’t be the worst thing to ever happen to me. In a sick way it’d help because I wouldn’t be means tested as hard on a welfare claim because I would have nothing to my name. But then again it is winter, I wouldn’t know where to go, the police might lock me up, and I know for a fact I’d start drinking again.
Thanks. Yeah that’s why I’m giving it the month here to see if it’s built up enough in my brain to start working. Most days I feel so out of it, dizzy, headache, some confusion and it feels like my depression and OCD have become worse and not better. Right now I’m thinking these are all temporary side effects, hopefully. About my family, idk what to do. The idea of just walking out sounds pretty good, things just keep getting worse here.
How is it March already lol. Thank god for podcasts and video games, without them I wouldn’t be able to get through the past year. By this point, 90% of my relationships are parasocial.
My life is still kind of a shitshow. If I weren’t keeping a journal every day, I wouldn’t believe that I ever had a good day in my life. I don’t remember how that feels. I’m at a point where I say to myself out loud that life is garbage around 20 times per day. It’s not good, folks. :doomer:
Currently about 6 weeks into sobriety and I’m genuinely feeling a lot better, both mentally and physically. It was only alcohol, weed, and caffeine but it’s the longest stretch of not being on any substances since I was ~15. I’m eating 3 meals a day and I’m sleeping a lot better. My stomach problems are slowly going away as well which was my main reason for giving it a try. I still have some issues I need to work on but it’s a big step in the right direction.