I fucking told you hoes that we have to talk to Chuds and I got eaten alive with a dull knife in the comments. Adam Curtis on latest chapo closes with an ill description of why we must, if our intent to change the world is genuine.
Yes, yes, vindication is a self-oriented fantasy that obscures the truth, I fucking know. But still, happy to shove in your collective face… also please think about it
There’s also a difference between clueless people who know they’re mad at the status quo and don’t know why so they blame what they’re told to and full blown chuds who know they’re lying and perpetuating harmful propaganda to further a fascist agenda. The first kind of worth reaching, the second isn’t
Correction: the second kind is worth reaching, too. 7.62x54 at 200yds should suffice
The Mosin-nagant fires the 7.62x54r cartridge, which can kill a polar bear at a thousand yards and keep going right through the tree he was standing in front of. The Mosin-nagant was used by the Russians in both world wars, so it’s killed more Germans than collisions on the autobahn and under-cooked sauerkraut combined.
Why should we listen to an old Anglo anti-marxist movie producer? And why should we try to “reach the chuds” when there are vast swaths of the population which aren’t reactionary and not politically activated?
The last time I talked to a chud they called me a “jew-loving pedo” and said the US should have dropped nukes on Iraq and Syria
Chuds exist in many tiers. Obviously someone who is proudly “j-woke” is going to be a pretty hard sell. Not to mention, some people are just assholes!
The thing is, America is a chud country. Because reactionary ideals are instilled into the people here from preschool through college, many people who are otherwise decent will become chuds anyway. It’s these otherwise decent people that are potentially reachable.
I can talk to a Hank Hill or a Dale Gribble, but I’m not talking to an Alex Jones or a Rush Limbaugh
Well you don’t have to worry about talking to the last guy anymore.
The real question is if you’d talk to Bill Dautrieve
I listened to the episode, and Adam Curtis has a lot more shit takes than good ones. His central talking point is that leftism has no clear vision for the future, and only represents dissatisfaction with the present. What we actually lack is a clear vision for how to destroy the existing power structures that are making our extremely clear and well-articulated visions for the future impossible to implement. This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
I stopped listening about 10 minutes in whm he kept referring to the democrats as “the left.”
Oh shit is that what he was doing? I failed to realize throughout the entire hour. In that case, his critique turns from just wrong, to woefully naive.
More specifically he kept referring to the the centrist neoliberals in the democratic part to be part of a broad political spectrum that includes socialists. He basically subscribes to the view that if you go far enough left incrementally you can create a spectrum from liberalism to socialism.