Love it when a news outlets uncritically just parrot whatever cops tell them.
If anyone believes this they have the most malleable mind possible
It doesn’t have to make sense or even be real for it to work. Repeat a lie like this so many times and get news outlets to parrot it uncritically and soon 90% of the dweebs on r*ddit and Facebook will be repeating it as proven fact and poison all discussion on the subject.
It’s how all anti communist propaganda from “communism no food” to “China secret police can open your door at any time” gets spread. The point of stuff like this with regards to the trial isn’t to be good case evidence, but to try change public opinion and plant seeds of doubt in the public’s minds. To “manufacture consent”. I mean we were at a point that the majority of Americans supported the burning down of a police station, can’t have that. Prepare for every racist trope to be trotted out during this trial to try to awaken the brainworms indoctrinated into every Americans mind from kindergarten, like a zombie awakening scene in a movie.
Fucking burn ‘em.
If there’s justice in this world they will be made an example for the rest.
“In December, the BCA had to search Floyd’s car a second time, because they failed to collect some pieces of evidence. According to a search warrant, they ended up finding fentanyl and meth.”
Damn, they’re getting real lazy now, huh? Sad thing is that they know they can get away with it.