The Wretched of the Earth by Fanon
Began Capital, Vol III and Giovanni Arrighi’s Adam Smith in Beijing this week. On Kindle I’m going through China Mieville’s October and Paul Cockshott’s Towards a New Socialism
Ah, I have always heard more hype about VOL I and VOL III, never much about VOL II.
That’s because Vol II deals with largely technical rather than political aspects of capitalism, that being circulation, turnover, and flows of capital between departments of the economy. Engels explicitly acknowledged this when corresponding with Russian(?) Marxists. It’s filled with a lot of tedious mathematical formulas and equations which will literally put you to sleep.
“Pity the Nation - Lebanon at war”
By Robert Fisk, very good so far
Just finished Dead Labor: Towards a Political Economy of Premature Death, and I was gonna move on to either Black Against Empire or Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat, but I just ordered Marx’s Capital Illustrated so I’m probably gonna go through that first.