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Ask them if they would be satisfied if their lives were more precarious, or if they resided in the countries America meddles with. Hit them with the genetic lottery. Remind them that their station in life is an accidental byproduct of where they were born, and the color of their parents.
Yeah, I get that. It usually takes time to get major change there’s not usually an “Aha!” moment that gets the shift.
“Anyhow -” or "I don’t actually care about that "
Just mock them. “You seriously believe that?”
This. A little bit of social alienation works wonders. When they say lib shit, look at them like they’ve just implied that they don’t believe in vaccination or some shit.
But, assuming you think they’re salvageable, do obviously try to give them some sources and such too. But the social stuff can be Very useful, and a lot less annoying.
“Where did you see that info from?”, “Why do you think that” and let them talk themselves out of a position.
Some people won’t change their mind, but they never would have. Others will see that they’re stupid and be more open to change.
lonely “gang” rise up :(