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Meanwhile libs on my wall were all celebrating Gorbachev’s 90th birthday earlier this month.
One of them literally said: “he showed courage to admit defeat […] the world is not as bright as we thought it’d be in 1992, but it’s certainly not as dark as 1984.”
“I might be unemployed and prostituting myself to feed my children but things are so much brighter now than in 1984! 😍” -Some Russian woman, 1992
he showed courage to admit defeat
Does this dipshit own anything with a Confederate Flag printed on it?
certainly not as dark as 1984
Yeltsin literally ordered tanks to fire into the legislative building with the ministers inside when they wouldn’t pass his insane decrees, but the US would have your believe he’s apparently the Democratic Reformer™ of Russia.
US: *launches a coup / military action that completely fucks the citizens of a country, to force their favoured economic system on them and/or steal resources*
Decades later: “Wow, things are really terrible there. How did that happen? Must have been that dreaded socialism. Here are some sanctions that will totally help matters.”
Further proof why people who “Support Putin” in the name of anti-imperialist brainworms actually do have brainworms, of the anti-imperialism-taken-to-the-absurd variety. Thankfully that “Support” that they “Give Putin” is limited to posting “I support Putin” on Social Internet Media Website Messageboards, and doesn’t really consist of giving them any actual meaningful real support besides Flame Troll Posts on said SIMWMs.