i’m thinking about showing up to speak against a shitty piece of legislature that’s making the rounds in my state government, but i’ve never done something like this before and am a little uncertain. does anyone have experience with this kind of action? can anyone speak to its efficacy? is it worth the covid risk to do something like this or am i just wasting my time by showing up alone rather than spending my energy organizing?
I’ve never done anything like that, but it sounds like a worthwhile thing to do. I feel like people are more likely to click on posts that have comments, so here ya go! I hope someone with more knowledge than me can chime in.
At the state level? Nope. I do county stuff occasionally, on dull but vital topics like snow removal & budgeting, but that’s pretty chill. However, I do think you should do it. If nothing else it’s good nuts & bolts experience.
I’ve done local testimony before. If nothing else, it will make you feel better and like you’ve at least given a voice, however small, to people who are not often represented.
i don’t have any good advice to give, but are there any organizations or groups against this legislation that would be willing to help you out with preparing a statement or support you in some other way?
I remember going to some large meeting many years ago with my wife where a few of local politicians were listening to us complain about the proposed “National Animal ID Act”.
It was so long ago that I don’t remember too much of what happened at the meeting specifically. The politicians didn’t do much in the way of advocating one way or the other, some other officials made a very weak attempt to justify the program while neither did much to address the concerns raised by those of us in the crowd. The program was eventually scrapped but with the constant threat of techno feudalism looming, it won’t surprise me if some similar program is quietly green lit in the future.
I’m not sure what type of situation you’ll be in. If there are other people making statements that you can talk to before hand, maybe try to figure out which side they are on. Get a measure of whether the majority of the statements will be for/against, maybe you’ll get some of the “why” from the other speakers as well. Taking the temperature of the room might be useful. Might even be able to coordinate your talking points with those who are on the same side of the position as yourself.