That’s okay. I won’t remember to vote so it balances out.
Any lesser-evil libs want to tell me how it’s more my fault than the DNC?
I still haven’t forgot about my $600.
Now that Joe restarted student loans it’s literally being siphoned from me. only ever gave me money!
yes just like how the americans forgot a small terrorist incident in 2001 that only killed a minuscule fraction of the people dying in gaza right now
just like that
According to Israel’s stupid “9/11s as a fraction of total population” we’re at 363 9/11s inflicted on Gaza at this point.
Americans only remember nine eleven because of the damage to private property. We didn’t give a fuck about the pentagon on 9/11, we dont even talk of the people on that plane who died. We don’t give a shit about all the hundreds of kids murdered in mass shootings, or simply run over by gigantic passenger vehicles. We didn’t give a fuck when like five hundred people were shot in Vegas. We didn’t give a shit about a 9/11 worth of people that died every single day for a while there during covid. But oh boy those two big shining towers of private property fall down and we’re ready two start two wars and kill like three million people.
“Americans memory hole shit” is literally their campaign strategy
It’s the ultimate American paradox, a country that gets itself so bent out of shape about worshipping and venerating its history, supremely concerned about what the Founding Fathers and marquee leaders of its past would think about what they’re doing, while also retaining zero ability to retain and process any actual history.
That’s because the “history” they venerate is just a disguised national myth.
To be fair, there is another “October Surprise” between now and then.