It’s basically Eve Online for your phone, but apparently the UI is tiny on phones so it might be Eve Online for your PC’s phone emulator
I’m going to check it out, I’ll make a post tomorrow saying if it’s good or not. Just giving a heads up in case anyone wants to try it at launch. Available for predownload now in several countries.
oh shit I lost so many hours to Eve a few years ago. still some of my best gaming experiences. however most of my favorite content involved very collaborative, long form complex situations so without knowing anything about Eve Echoes i’m not optimistic a phone game could replicate that. i’ll check it out!
Yeah I really enjoyed EVE like a decade ago, and I don’t know how nullsec wars are going to work on a phone lol. I also have a feeling that tomorrow’s launch is going to be a complete shitshow, because theres millions of people preregistered to play this game but apparently the server can only hold 200,000.
yeah i was never into the big nullsec wars but i did a lot of lowsec small gang/solo pvp and some blops stuff. same thought applies, though. i cannot imagine simultaneously scouting for a gang, cycling/heating modules, maintaining correct transversal and planning an escape on a phone. not to mention all the shit like killboards, wormhole maps, comms, whatever that would be up on the second monitor. also, can u imagine using the probing interface or dscan on a phone screen? all that’s like the bare minimum skills for the content i was into. i suspect that the game will prioritize the more dice-roll stats based aspects of eve combat over the quirky skill based manual techniques that are necessary for high level play on desktop Eve. thats not to say it will necessarily be bad, i’ll still give it a try out of curiosity