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I have a shower curtain that is made of material like I assume this is and I have never been able to get the creases out since I have it about 5 years. I didn’t try ironing it because I am also certain it would melt no matter how careful I was.
I have tried washing it in hot/cold water, tumble drying, hanging dry etc. And it spends 100% of life hanging in a poorly ventilated bathroom. So 100s of steamings.
OTOH I can recommend, if you would benefit from a large world map in your home but don’t have a whole wall to spare, shower curtain world map comes in very handy.
Polyester flags in general should be banned. Absolutely disgusting fabric.
Best I can do is tumble dry
Ever just hold a pair of underwear under the tap and toss it in as godd 'nuff?
I, too, am an iron your flag person. I have heard some people deliberately do not for some symbolic reason but I can’t remember what it is.
the norms around ironing clothes (and by extension owning an iron at all) are classist and i assume racist
Ok well not owning a $10 Target iron, but the norms are classist. Before electricity, clothes irons were just hot pieces of iron with a handle heated by a fire (later with a hole to put in hot bricks/etc to avoid soot on the flat face). Heavy and a huge pain in the ass. Servants would do it because no normal person would want to spend time ironing unless they were coerced. A lot of cleaning norms are this way: it used to be that only rich people could afford servants to handwash all their clothes after each wash, and then we invented labor aids (washing machines, clothes irons, etc) that ended up just increasing the amount of housework to be done, so that it’d take up the same amount of time.
I’m still ironing my flags though. It’s not like they wrinkle once they’re put up, it’s a one-time thing
I ain’t straight, why should my flag be? 🏳️🌈