I expected those cute pictures about how red pandas stand up and hold up their paws to make themselves “scary”.
I was incorrect in my expectations.
“Help me, ever since I saw Zootopia 3 months ago I’ve been literally in love with Nick. I’ve already have had a furry waifu for longer but I want him to be my knotty husbando, some nights I fall asleep hugging my pillow and imagining it’s him. I don’t care if he’s a top or bottom, I just wish we could do something together. My heart actually jumped when I saw his face in that image ;_;.”
It’s a copypasta I saved from the Zootopia “struggle session” (the person that wanted to fuck the bunny cop) from the subreddit.
Oh god oh fuck this whole thread is a disaster we’re going to need the whole force on this one oh shit Officer Brady is crying again oh the humanity where is your shame WHERE IS YOUR SHAME
This is Lola Bunny erasure