As someone playing a non-dwarf in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2e, I very much enjoy the finagling of inventory encumbrance between my own character and something/one else, like the dwarf in the party, or the horse I RAW need to own in order to progress into the career that my character is best suited for.
I go Bushwalking/ overnight hikes as a hobby. Inventory management is very important when you carry everything you need to survive in your pack. When I started rp-ing it took me a while to adjust to the fact that the same people who are hyper-fixated in the “reality” of Spell effects could not be bothered to pack a tent. Though I admit that the DM did not care about tents either…
I read that in his voice.
D&D: individual poundage
Pathfinder 2: Abstracted Bulk
Lancer: Pick up half your mech or more if you get the right loadout
Pshaw, D&D barely even has encumbrance rules. Gotta play GURPS where your movement and dodge get worse the more you’re carrying, and bags of holding don’t exist.