No I’m not joking, they really do hiss when she says “ceasefire.”
No I’m not joking, they really do hiss when she says “ceasefire.”
Honestly I thought you were just being figurative, lmao wtf eew what’s wrong with those freaks
Lanyard libs are beyond parody, their masks have long since fallen
In the replies, pretty high up:
Ceasefire, yes. But is interrupting the way to go about it?
Jesus Christ, that is peak Israel commentary.
“We killed your children (and/or brother, sister, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, best friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc.), but is retaliating really the way to go about it?”
Especially with that “retaliation” being verbally interrupting a fucking speech. It tells you everything you need to know about neoliberals that “Yeah, I agree we shouldn’t be wantonly butchering children, but interrupting a speech is unacceptable” at all costs!
Literal vipers den
Even with your “they really do hiss” I still thought it would be more like shushing but there really is a reptile in the audience.