No Jet Jaguar 0/10
When this place had downvotes I got jumped for saying Tenet was good.
I haven’t seen Tenet, I don’t even know the plot. But going off of the poster and knowing the director I feel like I’ve seen it already lol
I am on Google images and looking at pictures. I also know that Tenet was chosen because it is a palindrome and it has something to do with time travel, or something. Tell me if my predictions are correct:
There’s a white guy and a black guy. The black guy is, like, some highly competent and important… Something? Like, he’s some kind of action man, but you know, intelligent, sophisticated action man. He’s the character that does stuff. The white guy is some kind of scientist action man who works for the government and is exploring experimental time travel technology or something, but also does stuff. Or rather time manipulation, basically Adam Sandler’s Click but directed by Christopher Nolan. There is also a woman, I didn’t see her in the posters but I am sure there is some white girl involved who is maybe also some kind of scientist and has a quasi romance with the black guy that never gets explicit because Nolan is afraid of sex but he knows he has to put it in his movie.
There is a non linear narrative aided by the time manipulation thing. It is essentially a heist movie, which also involves stereotypical foreign bad guys. He’s already done Asians in Inception so I’m guessing they’ll go back to the other standard Hollywood villain type, Slavs (although he has kinda done that to in TDK iirc). I say there is definitely some evil slavs involved somewhere, but maybe they won’t be the main villain. There will definitely be a small “side quest” during the first quarter or so of the movie, so maybe that is where slavs are involved. Also some kind of terrorist.
I also expect that it is hard to figure out who the real bad guy is and what they want. Also there’s gonna be lots of dumb twists and some girl who betrays someone. The soundtrack is basically a bunch of Zimmer bwooms. The ending is ambiguous and involves some kind of nonsense bro philosophy about time, and the black guy talking very sternly. There will also be a very hard choice somewhere in the course of the movie, where it’s like, should we or should we not use the time manipulation thing? Perhaps this will involve the white girl dying.
The backbone of the movie though is gonna be weird high concept action sequences involving time manipulation. There’s gonna be lots of buildings collapsing and there will definitely be some kind of sequence involving water flowing in reverse or something like that. In between the sequences there’s “serious” pseudopholosophical conversations mostly between the white guy and the black guy taking place on fancy rooftops, and then something happens and the black guy has to punch Russians.
This is disturbing
Godzilla 1954: dropping nuclear bombs is bad actually.
Godzilla 2021: did you know that the military is super cool?
The only thing I remember from the first Gareth Edwards Godzilla movie was some sort of tactical camo Bible some grunt was reading passages from to a bunch of TROOPS as they were parachuting from some big plane I’m pretty sure I own in GTA Online
I fucking hated that movie, wasn’t that same hack also responsible for that other snorefest, Rogue One