Whats on for the weekend everyone? Tonight im heading to a party at Max Watts run by the Rainbow Serpent crew, should be massive!! Tomorrow night will be moving my current mead to secondary to age on oak!! Sunday i have an axe throwing marathon, its only 2 weeks till the Asia Pacific Champs and Sunday will have 10 or more of the current top 20 in Australia throwing so will be a really good warm up :)
Covid got me. Luckily even milder than last time, couple of days of a blocked nose and a bit of fatigue but thats it. Just really want to leave the house!!!
Whats on for the weekend everyone? Tonight will be pretty chill, partner has been sick and ive had a very busy week. Tomorrow morning is yoga and meditation at the buddhist centre and then a lunch/mini golf date. Saturday night will be mead and board games with friends and Sunday will be mead maintenance stuff and some small tasks for our business planning :)