0karin728 [any]
I’m about halfway through this book, it’s basically a 500ish page summary of all three volumes of Capital written by a Japanese Marxian political economist. It seems pretty good so far. I’m probably going to try to read Capital for real again when I’m done, but this seems like it covers enough.
Edit: got this off a pinned post in r/communism
This isn’t synonymous with the dotp, and it’s only necessary to maintain capitalist relations of production like this when the productive forces are too underdeveloped to switch immediately to fully or at least primarily socialist relations of production (some form of planned economy which produces goods directly according to social need). Situations like China, Vietnam, and the USSR during the NEP are examples of this. The dotp is just any state in which the working class is the ruling class and wields state power in their interests.
Who tf is downbearing you two he actively and uncritically promotes transphobes and defends Aleksandr Dugin, who helped found the National Bolshevik Party in Russia.
The TV show is definitely more aggressively liberal than the books. The books portrayal of individual belters is usually extremely sympathetic and in most of the books like half the pov characters are belters. The OPA is also generally portrayed as a force for good, albeit flawed, except for Inaros and the Free Navy. Towards the end of the 5th book Holden even admits that everything Inaros said was basically right, aside from all the ethnonationalism and terrorism, and the belt ends up becoming the dominant power in the system because they’re given a monopoly on commerce through the gates.
They show the oppression and exploitation of the belt in much more detail and a a few times various OPA figures explicitly compare the inners’ exploitation to modern imperialism.
Also the aggressively liberal UN Earth is a shit hole and Mars is a hypermilitarized nationalist state that basically collapses as soon as the gates open.
I’m not saying it’s a perfect communist masterpiece or anything, but the books are very good and I enjoyed them.
Yes, indicating that you’re an organ donor is different from donating your body for medical research, they just take out the organs they need and give the cremated remains of the rest to your family or whoever. There’s literally no reason not to, it’s not like you’re using them anymore.
For literally every conceivable situation that anyone who isn’t a professional mathematician or physicist would ever encounter, yes you absolutely can treat dy/dx as a fraction.
Because it basically is a fraction, either the limit of a fraction as both parts go to zero, or a fraction of two infinitesimals (numbers between 0 and the smallest or positive or negative real number). A lot of mathematicians get sad when you use infinitesimals but it’s fine.