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I think it was Torchlight 1 or two that had this cute animal companion you could send away to sell your stuff when in a dungeon? I want that in every game. Selling wasn’t instant, you still had to click on items to sell and wait for the animal to come back, but it was such a nice, well thought out feature.


I wonder how many people regret their purchase like I do. I played 30 hours, dropped out and haven’t looked back. It wasn’t a terrible game, just not something that clicked with me in any way. If it weren’t for the steep price I would not have forced myself to keep playing even that long, I was bored very soon.

I thought I could try the expansion on Game Pass, but turns out they only sell it and do not give it to Game Pass users for free, so I am not resubbing Game Pass and definitely not buying the DLC for another 30€. What a weird decision of them, could have given the game a new push of players.

Even when I look at the mods available I am just not drawn to it.

This is only the second game that I regret buying on release (not the pre-release, I was at least not that hyped) or at all since Watchdogs 1, but that I enjoyed in the end, it was just not what I had hoped for but still carried me to the end credits. I don’t think I will see them for Starfield ever.

Glad that it has a fan base, just sad that it isn’t for me.


sorry, I laughed


Nah, the value didn’t drop becaue it has even less value. The bubble let some air out in a stinking fart, because people start to realize that’s what coming out of Musks mouth: “Warm air and nothing of substance.”


The chain also pointed out that cigarette sales, once the largest sales category for convenience stores, has fallen 26% since 2019. A shift in sales to other nicotine products hasn’t made much of a difference, they said.

I consider that good news and hope the people loosing their workplace find something better soon!


Unknown 9: Awakening will release tomorrow. The Steam forum for the game is already flooded with shit. They love to complain because in this case they can not only be misogynistic shitheads but also be racist. There will always be a next one. They will ignore the games that succeed and see games that don’t as proof even when there are completely different reasons for the games not selling than they claim. There are days where I quetion if I should look for a different hobby to just not have to deal with these people.


It definitely is on MY 100 list forever, but other games on their list are definitely not on mine. Also a list that doesn’t include Gothic 1 or 2 is inherently flawed. ;)

I understand that these lists create clicks, so it is probably worth the hassle for them to spent a lot of time compromising on it. It is also the list of 2024 - so it is not a final thing just a glimps into their current thoughts lasting 12 months until the next list, so recency bias is fine.

For what YOUR top 100 are I recommend checking out https://www.grouvee.com/ and sharing your thoughts and reviews and keeping your collections organized. It is free and the community is welcoming and well moderated.


“Neither of them can harm me and I don’t care who one of them is harming, so I am fine with both.”



Compare movie posters of women whose eyes or even whole heads you can’t see or that are reduced to legs vs. movie posters of male actors to whom this is rarely done and it is clear what is happening.
Top this with the problems people of color face and that the new poster takes away her facial look, the look of a person of color and replaces everything that reminds of her with a bland face that could be anyone and I understand her anger.

She could have explained the issue instead of lashing out, because so many of her fans (and people in ths thread) don’t understand the problem and education is necessary and more helpful for everyone.


I don’t fault the actors or even the studio for wanting to feature their high paid actors on the movie poster

But already the original failed to do that. Imagine a movie like that featuring high paid male actors in a way that their faces are minimalized to a point they are unrecognizable (just check their posters and how prominent their faces stare at you). No one would do that. Just because people are used to the old poster does not make it good. The original is a failure that did a disservice to the women on it, just one we know and are nostalgic for. I do not think this fan poster was done in malice but because it is still not recognized wildly as a problem and we need to get the message out: Show the women’s faces as much as you show the men’s faces.

I don’t think this is a PR stunt, I think it is honest feelings that come up for a reason.

Imagine finally as a person of color having made it to a point in your career that YOU are the center piece of a movie poster of a highly anticipated movie and just with a finger snip someone erases that because they love an old poster that erased other women’s faces at a time where no one bat an eye about it.

Again, I understand nostalgia. I am 58 y.o. and I had to let go a myriad of things that were just fine in my youth and learn why they definitely were bad back then and are now. Let that old poster die. It is not good, its mood is erasing women, which is wicked, I give it that.
