
AndresBonapaqyou [any]

1 posts • 15 comments
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You are right. The Asian community needs to do better, there are way too many liberals in our community. Secondly, remember that you are in a radical space in this website. I feel that you should not need to mince words for good faith criticism amongst comrades. You said nothing controversial that isn’t already well known. Lots of Asians totally buy into the model minority myth. PoC social media tends to intersect, and our dirty laundry is out for the world to see. The liberal wing of Asian identity politics has failed miserably the past few days for being tone deaf and ignorant. I’ve seen lib Asians asking Black people to hand out receipts once again over Black successes in the Jim Crow era (read a damn book instead of asking black people to do the intellectual labor!), stealing valor from the BLM movement by saying ‘Asian Lives Matter’, some Asian people (some who may just be white agitators) reacting to ‘cultural appropriation’ when a Black Woman wears traditional clothes from Asian cultures, etc.

Your feelings and anger are completely valid here. Your post IS constructive. I hope Asian people see this. Ignorance is not an excuse when so much trauma and damage has been done.


Guarantee you that the people still using those words are willing to talk about “precariat” and “labor aristocracy” which clearly became visible 70 years later.


Yep, that’s exactly what he said. I personally did not see the connection until I saw those interviews.


What’s interesting here is that Star Wars was inspired by world liberation movements. George Lucas said he came from a cultural anthropological perspective and said that he was inspired by how to view the world through systems, which is something a leftist would say. I don’t blame anyone for blaming Star Wars for being fascist considering its assimilation into the American borg of pop culture though.


Damn these young people and their dabbing and tik tok!!!


Looks like you have a piece of Margaret Thatcher’s heart, cold, black heart.


This is why I wished I had amazing photogenic memory so I can dunk on libs with historical facts.


‘Salem Snow’ sounds like a Dark Wave/Post-punk band name.


I’m going to guess that homebodies and introverts would be more likely to use it. Under socialism, you’d have time to meet people offline. The workplace hierarchy should be more horizontal and you might feel safer asking/being asked out by a co-worker as a result.


Asian TERFS exist. Asian-American internet is goddamn awful and lib as hell and quite frankly, really annoying. You have straight Asian males complaining about ‘their’ women being taken over by whites, and straight Asian women defending themselves and that dominates the internet. AA internet is oriented towards American bourgeois values, if you aren’t a straight East Asian or Indian tech worker/STEM student who loves boba, k-pop, anime, and raves while you absorb model minority stereotypes you don’t exist to them.

Like come on dude, just go to a fucking boba shop and you will find tons of Asian women who will only date Asian dudes, go to a dating site where tons of Asian women will dog whistle that they do not like white guys. Get over it and read some goddamn feminism. Talk about homelessness, health issues, class issues, and LGBTQ issues in our communities.

There are a quite a few leftist AA internet folks, but they have to walk a fine line within their communities because being a leftist brings a lot of baggage even to those older immigrants who agree with things like self-determination.

Also, fuck you and your family’s egg monopoly and whatever similar stories your parents told to you about the old land.\

Edit: And the biggest reason you don’t see POC TERFS is that TERFS in general are very good with optics. They will dogwhistle that they are TERFS, just look at how their discourse orients with liberal values. If you’re a POC TERF, it’s especially bad optics to be a TERF in the open. They’ll just talk about girlboss energy and harry potter, that’s usually a sign they’re a TERF.
